parents code of conduct


U.S. Elite Youth Sports requires all spectators, parents, coaches, and players to abide by the U.S. Elite Code of Conduct regardless of the type of event or where that event takes place. U.S. Elite Youth Sports representatives, officials, and employee will enforce the Code of Conduct and may eject any spectators, parents, coaches, and players from any U.S. Elite event at their discretion. U.S. Elite Youth Sports reserves the right to terminate the participation of any player and/or refuse future registration to any player for a violation of the U.S. Elite code of conduct at any time.

Parent & Spectators Code of Conduct

I pledge to embrace the U.S. Elite focus on youth sports and:

  • I will encourage good sportsmanship and be a positive role model for my player by showing respect for all officials, spectators, coaches, and players.
  • I will teach my player to play within the spirit of the rules and game.
  • I will respect the officials and their authority and will never questions or confront coaches or officials at the game fields.
  • I will not yell at or ridicule at my player or any other participants for making a mistake or losing a game.
  • I will inform U.S. Elite Youth Sports and my player's coach of any physical disabilities, illnesses, or issues that may affect the safety of my player of the safety of others.

  • I will not engage in any type of unsportsmanlike conduct such as taunting or using profane language or gestures towards any officials, spectators, coaches, or players.
  • I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health or wellbeing of other players.
  • I will demand that my player treat officials, spectators, coaches, and other players with respect regardless of race, sex, and/or ability.
  • I will allow the coaches to coach the team and will refrain from coaching my player from the sidelines.