
How do I register for the upcoming season?

You can register on the U.S. Elite Youth Sports website. Under “Location,” choose your location and then your location’s registration page. From your location’s registration page, choose the appropriate program and click register.

What if my player is new to organized sports or it’s their first time playing a particular sport?

One of the best things about U.S. Elite Youth Sports is we have the perfect level for your player no matter their skill or experience level. The goal of U.S. Elite Youth Sports is to provide a super fun atmosphere for players and parents to have fun, learn good sportsmanship and character, and develop a love for their sport that will last forever. In our flag football program, our AFC division is a more basic game designed for newer, lower skilled players or players who just wants to have some fun. The NFC division is a more advanced game designed for the more competitive, skilled, and experienced players who still want to have fun competing in the sport they love. Visit our programs page to search for options in your area. 

Are your programs co-ed?

Yes, all of our programs are open to boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 15. CLICK HERE for the details of the program we offer.

Is there a discount for registering early

Yes, there is! The earlier you register for a program, the more you will save. There is not any discount code that you need to enter, as the system automatically applies the current registration rate. 

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes, there is! Our multi-child discount is automatically applied when you register two or more players at the same time on our website. There is not any discount code that you need to enter, as the system automatically applies the discount.

What paperwork must I complete in order for my child to participate in your program?

If you’ve completed your registration online, you are all set. No other paperwork needs to be filled out. However, if this is your first season with U.S. Elite Youth Sports, you will need to submit your player's birth certificate to the league for age verification.

I just registered for a program, now what?

Once you have completed the online registration, you have secured your player’s spot for the upcoming season and you are all set for now. Several weeks before the start of the season, your player will be assigned to a team. The team’s coach will reach out to you to let you know about practices and the upcoming season. A couple weeks before the start of the season, the schedule will be posted. You will be able to access your player’s team info and schedule on your team page on the U.S. Elite Youth Sports website.

How long does the season last?

Our normal flag football season is scheduled for an eight week season. The first seven weeks (seven scheduled games) are the “regular” season. The last Saturday is our Bowl Game/Tournament day. Every team will have either a bowl game or play in the tournament on the final Saturday.

How many times a week do we typically play?

Our Game Days are on Saturday. Most teams will have one game on our Saturday Game Days. However, every once and a while a team might have a double header. Also on the last day of the season, teams advancing in the tournament will have multiple games on tournament day. Your team’s schedule will be posted on the website prior to the start of the seas

How long are the games?

Games consist of two 20 minute halves with a two-minute halftime. Most games take around 50 minutes from coin toss to the end of the game. This way, we can run games every hour.

When do practices begin?

Most coaches start practicing one to two weeks before the start of the season. Rosters are usually sent to coaches around three weeks before the start of the season, and most coaches try to start practices shortly after they receive their rosters. Your team’s schedule will be posted on the website prior to the start of the season.

How long are practices?

Coaches set the practices. Most coaches practice at least once during the week in the evening at a local park. Practices can range from 60 to 120 minutes, one to three plus times per week. For the younger age divisions, most coaches practice once a week for about 60 minutes. As the players get older, practices usually get longer and more frequent.

Are awards given out during your program?

Yes. Each week, teams will award a player a Player of the Week medal for their exceptional play in the game or at practice, their exceptional sportsmanship, or great character. At the end of the season, bowl game winners will also receive medals for their victory. The winners of the season-ending tournaments will receive trophies.

Do you offer refunds?

Please refer to our Refund Policy.

Who can I contact if I have any additional questions?

If you cannot find the answer to your question in our FAQ, please contact customer service at support@useliteyouthsports.com.


Do I need to submit a copy of my player’s birth certificate in order to register?

Yes. The first time you register your player for a season with U.S. Elite Youth Sports, you must submit a copy of your player’s birth certificate to the league. You will only need to submit your player’s birth certificate once.

Do you have teams for high school players?

Our age divisions currently go up to 15 years old. After that, most players have moved on to tackle football or other high school sports. In the future if the interest is there, we may extend our age divisions up.

What is the age cut-off date for the season?

The age cut-off date is the scheduled Opening Day for each season. For example, if Opening Day is scheduled for March 27th and your player is 10 years old on March 27th, your player is eligible to play in the 9-10 age division, even if he or she turns 11 on March 28th.

What age divisions do you offer?

Our current age divisions are 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 13-15.

Can my player play up in a higher age division?

Yes. Players can play up in a higher age division if the player’s parents approve.

Can my player play down in a lower age division?

No. Players are not allowed to play down for any reason. NO EXCEPTIONS.


What equipment will my child need?

Your registration fee includes an NFL Flag jersey and flag belt, which must be worn on Game Days. Players must have a mouth piece and pants/shorts with no pockets or belt loops. Close-toed athletic shoes are also required. Cleats are recommended, but they cannot have metal cleats. Gloves and soft-shell helmets are optional.

When will my player get his/her jersey and flag belt?

We try to get all jerseys and flag belts to coaches before Opening Day, so the coach can hand them out to the players before their first game. If we do not get them to the coach before Opening Day, your player's jersey and flag belt will be at the Main Tent on Opening Day for you to pick up before his or her first game.

My player’s jersey is too small/too big. How do I get the correct size?

When you register your player, please make sure you order the correct jersey size. When we order jerseys, we will use the jersey size you indicate on your registration to order your player’s jersey. If the size is too small or too big, we can order a new jersey for your player at your expense. If NFL Flag sends us the wrong jersey size and it does not fit, we will order your player a new jersey at no cost to you. Please check the sizing chart to make sure your player’s jersey is the correct size. Also, remember that the jersey must remain tucked in to your player’s shorts/pants. Therefore, if your player is in between sizes, please order the larger size.

Weather Cancellations

What if a game is cancelled due to weather?

We will do everything within our power to make sure all our teams get to play all seven “regular” season games and their bowl/tournament games. However, we live in Colorado and Mother Nature sometimes has a mind of her own. We will make up all cancelled games through double headers and other necessary means, whenever possible. All rescheduled make-up games will be updated on the website.

Will I be notified if games are cancelled due to inclement weather?

Yes. We will send out an email/text notification to all coaches and families if our Game Day is cancelled due to weather. We will also post a notice on our Facebook page.


Do you do background checks on your officials?

Yes. All of our officials, staff members, coaches, and other volunteers are required to be background checked.

Do you have trained officials at games?

Yes. We strive to have at least one adult, professional official on each field on our Game Days. Also, prior to the start of each season, all of our officials go through an officials' training program.


When should I expect to hear from my player’s coach?

We do our best to get rosters out to the coaches at least three weeks prior to the start of each season. Once coaches receive their team roster, we ask them to reach out to their parents to let them know about practices and the upcoming season. If the season is two weeks away and you have not heard from your player’s coach, please let customer service know at support@useliteyouthsports.com.

When can I get my player’s game schedule?

We do our best to get the schedule posted around two weeks before Opening Day. Once the schedules are posted on the website, we will send out a notice to all coaches and parents with information on how to access and download your player’s game schedule.

Teams/Game Days

Should my player bring water and snacks to the game?

Yes. All players should have a water bottle with their name on it, especially now with Covid still present in our lives. An after-game snack is also a good idea. Most locations will have drinks and snack for sale, but it is not always guaranteed.

Are there restrooms at the fields?

Usually. We strive to have at least one port-a-potty at each of our game locations. Unfortunately, sometimes the schools will not allow us to put a port-a-potty at their location. If that is the case, we will let coaches and parents know prior to the start of the season.

Are there bleachers/places to sit at the field, or should I bring a chair?

Most of our fields do not have bleachers or other seating available. Therefore, you should bring your own portable chair, if you want a chair to sit on.

How experienced are the players in your league?

U.S. Elite Youth Sports has players with a wide variety of skill levels and experience, from beginners to players who have been playing the sport for nearly a decade. In our flag football program, our AFC division is a more basic game designed for newer, lower skilled players or players who just wants to have some fun. The NFC division is a more advanced game designed for the more competitive, skilled, and experienced players who still want to have fun competing in the sport they love. Therefore, no matter your player’s skill level or experience, we have a program for them to have fun and further their love for the game.

Can my child with special need participate?

Of course. Over the years, we have had many special need players in our leagues. We always make room for them and work to make sure they have an amazing time and a great experience.

Do you guarantee playing time for all players?

Yes. All of our coaches agree to give all players a fair chance to play, regardless of the player’s skill level or experience. To receive fair playing time, players need to show up to practice and games ready to play, to listen, and to pay attention to their coach. In the AFC division of our flag football program, we strive to have all players learn the game and have a chance to try all positions. Our coaches are strongly urged to give every player an equal chance to play and learn the game. Our NFC division is a more competitive division. Positions may need to be earned. And while we still urge our NFC coaches to play all their players fairly, stronger players may see more field time. 

If you are concerned about your player’s playing time, please calmly discuss the issue with your team’s coach. If you still are concerned, please reach out to us as early in the season as possible, so we can work to resolve the issue. You can contact customer support at support@useliteyouthsports.com.

Do you take coach requests?

Yes, we do. While coach requests are not guaranteed, we do our best to honor them. The earlier you register your player, the better chance you have of getting your specific request honored. Usually the only time coach requests are not honored is when a parent registers their player for a team, but the team is already full and the coach doesn’t want any more players. Therefore, register early.

Can siblings be placed on the same team?

Yes, if the siblings are both age eligible for the age division, they can be placed on the same team. If siblings are in the same age division, they will always be placed on the same team, unless the parents request the sibling be placed on separate teams. If your players are in different age divisions, but you want them to be on the same team, please request that they be placed on the same team when you register them for the season. Both players must be age eligible for the age division. For example, an 8 year old can play up into the 9-10 age division with his or her 9 year old sibling. However, a 9 year old cannot play down in the 7-8 age division with his or her 7 year old sibling.

Do you take friend requests?

Yes, we do. While friend requests are not guaranteed, we do our best to honor them. The earlier you register your player, the better chance you have of getting your specific request honored. Usually the only time friend requests are not honored is when a parent registers their player for a team, but the team is already full and the coach doesn’t want any more players. Therefore, register early.

Do you guarantee my player will be placed on a team?

If registration is still open on our website for your player’s age division in your location, we guarantee your player will be placed on a team. We do not have tryouts or any drafts. If you can register your player, they can play. However, to guarantee your player gets on a team, register early.

How many players will be on a team?

Our flag football program is 5-on-5 flag football. We strive to have teams of 8 to 10 players, although this is not always guaranteed. To keep team numbers down, we need volunteer coaches. If you are concerned about the number of players on your player’s team, please volunteer to coach. The more coaches we have, the more teams we can have. And the more teams we have, teams will have fewer players. We strive to have players get a lot of game time experience. When a team has 10 or more players, everyone’s playing time starts getting limited.